
Speaking of triggers and codependency...

I've been wanting to talk about codependency in relationships for a long time, so I thought I'd start chipping away at it in a series of talks and blogs. So, here we go.

Last night in my group, we were talking about the concept of asking for what we need and how difficult that is. A lot of people experience that kind of ask as a confrontation -- and they're really uncomfortable confronting somebody when they're setting a boundary -- instead of just feeling comfortable and confident. Did...

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Dating, COVID, and Sex... (oh my!)


If you’re taking this dating thing seriously, I wonder if you could consider a few “success” strategies for yourself. Here they are…


There’s this concept I love known as “THE THREE DATE RULE” -- so, I’ll start there. 

Some coaches advise going on three dates -- with the goal of making it to the third date. My clients, on the other hand, say I’d rather use my gut and decide if I’m attracted to the person first....

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"You’re the only one of your kind.”

confidence dating May 27, 2021


I had the pleasure of speaking with Relationship and Sex Expert, Steve "The Dean" Williams about how men can change their self confidence, for GOOD, so that they no longer feel anxiety, self doubt, and nervousness when approaching women and starting conversations.

There's so much good stuff in this video -- and I hope you enjoy watching it as much as I enjoyed our conversation!


About our Guest: Steve "The Dean" Williams



Steve “The...

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Anxiously attached man seeking a warm body to hold (any warm body)!

Many of us have spent a lot of (painfully lonely) time by ourselves over the past 14 months, and we’ll pretty much take any kind (or just visible) smile and (warm) body at this point -- seriously, any warm body. So, for now, we’ll just settle into our familiar patterns and swipe our way into the most convenient hook-up (yeah, yeah… after we have “the talk”) and hope that it lasts awhile. 

With all of the changes that have taken place over the last year or...

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"Lonely female seeking a new husband who will love all of my cats."

dating May 05, 2021

When we're out of a relationship, and we're thinking about dating again or starting a new relationship, we have to face our biggest critic -- ourselves.

The ‘ghosts’ of our past, along with the reality of our current situation, may unexpectedly hit us when we’re thinking about that first new introduction or when we sit down to try to write our dating profile and consider… Who am I now? What did I just go through? Did I spend enough (or any) time on healing from what...

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What's Showing Up in Your World?

meditation Aug 22, 2020

I just wanted to give you a little bit of a concept that I've been working with today -- the concept of synchronicity. This is not an unknown concept. We've all heard this before and I wanted to share with you how I use it. 

I'd love to hear about how it worked out for you!

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Back to Breathing

meditation self-care Aug 19, 2020

This is an exercise that I really love, give my clients, and do myself (often). You'll see the picture there -- two people sitting back-to-back (I’ll get to that).

So… I had these family members come into my session once and they each just had a bunch of unmet needs. They were so mad at each other. They just could not listen to one another. They were really frustrated and I wanted to give them a tool for them, at that moment, and whenever that happens at home (or whenever it...

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Managing Intense Emotions


Here’s a tool for when you have really intense emotions (and I know that’s probably not too far from your reality at times these days). Let me walk you through how I help myself through an intense time.

There was an afternoon where I had two colliding intensities come together. When this happens, I get these cues about why and how I know I am in an intense time. Usually, it’s because I get incredibly overwhelmed and there may be other emotions going on at the time as well --...

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Reframing Emotions

emotions self-care Aug 14, 2020

Hey everyone. It's Susan, and I wanted to just offer you something at the end of my day here... 

I run about 5 or 6 groups per week. I love groups. They’re so inspiring to me and I am always jotting down things that I want to talk about and revisit. 

One of the things that came up today was about how people are changing their relationship with their strong feelings -- and they’re meditating more. They’re trying to take space and just be with themselves and explore...

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Love and Strength in the Time of COVID


My clients have been asking for a little more support around things they're telling me they’re struggling with, such as dealing with new co-parenting challenges and the impact on their relationship, keeping their relationships strong while spending so much extra time together, and finding a way to work on themselves during this time.

So, I invited back one of my colleagues, Robert Terris JD, MFT, who also specializes in working with people dealing with problems within their family. In...

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