
April Newsletter


This month I will be continuing my discussion of these free, proven tips in FOUR topics:

Deciding to Divorce:
Break free from the cycle of dependency.


How to easily work your way through transitions with your children, co-parent and yourself.


Strengthening Your Couple Relationship:
Listening and reflecting back creates deeper relationships.


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Solutions Newsletter - March

divorce news Mar 20, 2019


This is Susan and welcome to the second newsletter of 2019!

I will be giving you some great tips about:

  • Deciding to Divorce: Highlights where to start your thinking process.
  • Co-Parenting: Parenting after you’ve separated and getting rid of the tension between you.
  • Strengthening Your Couple Relationship: Building the skill of repair by learning “the full apology.”

Please click each link to hear...

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Welcome to My Bi-Monthly Newsletter!

divorce news Mar 06, 2019

Welcome, welcome, welcome to my first online newsletter, which you will be receiving twice a month!

I’m Susan Regan, a licensed psychotherapist in California and an online coach with over 25 years’ experience helping people heal and move forward in their lives and relationships.

The purpose of my work and interests have always been focused on helping people create the kind of life and relationships they want.

The goal of my monthly correspondence with you is to give you a few...

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STRESSā€”Keep working on it! Come into this season with a plan.

The holidays can be a particularly difficult time of the year, between office parties, family get-togethers, friendship reunions, and holiday dinners. They all often lead to an increased amount of emotional distress.

What sort of emotional distresses?

Emotional sensitivity– You feel easily hurt. Small things tend to set off your emotions. You expect to be rejected and prepare for the worst.

Emotional reactivity– When something upsets you, you tend to react strongly....

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Communicating Exits: Time Together ā€“ Time Apart

couples divorce separation Apr 03, 2017

We all need personal time and space. This may mean alone time, or time with just our friends. Sometimes, fear of hurting, abandoning or rejecting your partner can make it hard to say, “I need some time alone.” Over time, this can leave you feeling depleted or resentful. Or it can have the opposite of the intended effect – you stay home with your spouse or partner, but avoid contact. One of you watches TV downstairs while the other is upstairs on the computer.

Bringing your...

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Grieving: Before During and After the Divorce

Divorce is the second greatest life stressor after the death of a loved one.

People experience the stages of grief and loss in much the same way:
Denial / Anger / Bargaining / Guilt / Depression / Acceptance.

These stages of grief are experienced differently in divorce. Often one person (the initiator) wants the divorce. The other (the recipient) might want the marriage to continue. The initiator may feel more of the guilt and responsibility. The recipient may cycle between bargaining and...

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When To Seek Therapy For A Divorce Process

Divorce With Dignity is a divorce facilitation service with the goal of getting people through their divorce in a holistic, cooperative, peaceful, and cost-effective way. One of the benefits we offer our clients is referrals for additional services they may need to make the divorce a smoother transition. For example, some clients may be in situations where they have a need to seek therapy or counseling during the divorce process. In these cases, we refer them to professionals like Susan...

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Doā€™s and Donā€™ts of Divorce

Families don’t end in divorce- they change. There’s a lot of adjustment. Sometimes figuring out how to share parenting responsibilities brings up old issues from the marriage. Despite this, it is important that you both put your kids’ needs first.

Co-parenting Counseling helps parents restructure time. You will learn to adjust to custody arrangements and how to set up space in each home to make kids feel secure. You will also learn to set healthy boundaries so everyone feels...

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Reciprocity: Healthy Ideas for Couples

couples Mar 06, 2017

Giving and receiving is essential in long-term adult relationships.

But in some instances it can feel like one person gives too much. In healthy relationships, each person is in charge of their needs, emotions and responses. It’s okay to say no – even if the other person gets disappointed. And it’s okay to get disappointed. It doesn’t mean the other person has to feel guilty or change their mind.

Signs that you’re out of balance:

  • You give all the time in your...
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Knowing and Accepting Each Otherā€™s Personality Styles

During a separation process parents‚ personality differences get magnified
– especially when deciding the custody of their children.

Disappointment, depression, anxiety, and anger are normal at this time. Different personality types express these feelings in different ways. Understanding what’s underneath the behavior can help you find empathy for yourself and your child’s other parent.

Problem Solvers: This type fends for and protects their children more than they...

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