
Divorce Transformations: Helping Yourself through the Separation of Your Relationship

There are 7 stages of grief and loss that you will experience when going through separation.

The universal stages of grief and loss that are most recognizable are: denial/sadness, depression, anger, bargaining, and acceptance.

There are two other stages of grief that a person goes through during separation of a major relationship. It’s hard to look at the last two stages when you are deep and raw in grief.

The sixth stage is recovering from the damage caused by the relationship and...

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Feeling Out of Synch With Your Partner?

couples May 06, 2015

Couples Therapy Groups produce transformations, both internally as well as within the couple relationship.

Being in a relationship can be incredibly healing. It can heal you in a complete turnabout from your family of origin issues. But it can also be challenging, stressful, and feel unharmonious at times when either member of the couple is struggling, or when there seems to be no camaraderie or “in-synch-ness” anymore. Sometimes we are in such different places from our partners.

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Healing & Transformation: Going Beyond Divorce

divorce May 06, 2015

Transformations and changes are showing up in my divorce support groups!

My divorce support groups that begin as eight-week series often evolve into groups of people who continue on by joining the next session, and then extend their participation with series after series. The reasons are varied, but most of them feel that getting to the next level of healing is right around the corner, and they are motivated to keep working toward that goal. In the past month I have been hearing so many...

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Stages of Grief with Divorce

co-parenting divorcing Mar 10, 2015

People undergoing separation and divorce go through seven stages of grief. It’s important to understand the grief cycle and know what stage you are in so you can keep track of yourself emotionally and get the support you need while you are having logistical and decision-making conversations with your partner. Often, your partner will be in a different stage of the grief cycle. There are also two other emotion-related “feedback loops” going on, having to do with who initiated...

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Kids Coping With Divorce

Divorce can be wrenching when kids are involved, but there’s a lot you can do to help children cope. If you’re a parent dealing with divorce, try to remember that your child needs you now more than ever. Offering reassurance, hope, and a sense of stability can help ease the effects of divorce on children of all ages.

Children Coping With Divorce

When children are free to love both of their parents without conflict of loyalty, to have access to them both without fear of losing...

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Five Love Language

couples dating Feb 03, 2015

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Time For Each Other

couples Feb 03, 2015

Do we make enough time for the two of us?
Often times, couples come to therapy and that’s the only conversation they have all week.

With so many obligations like work, taking care of the children, paying bills, maintaining the home, and social events, couples often don’t have time for each other or themselves. Stress becomes a very dominant theme in people’s lives and they feel like they don’t have enough quality connections with family or in their relationship.


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Relationships Group - Why It Works

Everyone seems to think that relationships are things that just happen. Not so. Relationships need to be nurtured so they can develop into good relationships, or they become dysfunctional and fail.

Why do relationships fail? We may notice that we seem to continually get into patterns with lovers, friends, and family that don’t serve us or help us to grow. This brings us to a crossroads of deciding what to do next. One option is to decide not to have relationships for awhile and we throw...

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Couples Therapy Group - Building Emotional Intimacy and Better Communication, Part 2

couples healing Oct 31, 2014

In my previous blog posting, I talked about two of the three key points we’ve been focusing on in the Couples Therapy group – sensitivity to your partner, and staying connected to your partner. The topic of this posting is the third key point – learning better methods of communication.


There are different levels of communication, and different dynamics that occur in conversation. Sometimes when a person is speaking to their partner they tend to withdraw or act...

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Couples Therapy Group - Building Emotional Intimacy and Better Communication, Part 1

couples healing Oct 31, 2014

We’ve been doing some really good work in the Couples Therapy group, learning how to build the foundations of emotional intimacy and discovering how to communicate better. The key points we’ve been focusing on are sensitivity to your partner, staying connected to your partner, and learning better methods of communication.


Couples often have confusion about what messages each partner is sending, especially when the partner doesn’t truly understand their own...

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