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Relationships are so important.
Good relationships help people live longer, deal with stress better, have healthier habits, stronger resistance to colds, and even improve lifespans.
Relationships can fill our life with meaning and love, or leave us feeling deflated and alone.
Whether they’re our relationships with partners, parents, children, or friends, each come with benefits and challenges. When you can work through the challenges, the relationships are strengthened and everyone involved benefits.
With the right tools and support, you can develop and maintain healthy and happy relationships -- with others and yourself!
How may I support you?
I'm Susan Regan, a Relationship Expert, Certified Coach, and CoParenting Mediator. I can give you the tools you need and help you learn the necessary skills for you to create the relationships you want -- no matter what your circumstances.
Through my private, online community, Relatable©, I offer courses, support & interest groups, talks, and workshops to provide the support you need to have the relationships you want -- and learn how to take care of yourself as well!

Carol C.
I have such respect for you Susan -- and I trust you. Even though my relationship has ended, there will never be another parent to my kids like my ex. You have helped us work through so many challenging issues. Without your help, we would’ve never been able to heal and continue developing a different kind of parenting relationship and our marriage.
Get the tools and support you need -- in a private, online Community -- built for YOU.
Relatable© is a private, online community. It's a place to gather with others who are also working on themselves and seeking tools and guidance to have healthier relationships.
It's a place to gather, grow, learn, and get the support you need.
Within the Relatable© community, you'll find a variety of programs and resources to support your journey towards healthier and more fulfilling relationships -- those with yourself, your partner, your co-parent, your children, etc. The community is a place for you to receive support and connect with others. It's also a place for me to hear your needs, and build a supportive community around meeting those.

Process Group
> Deep personal growth
> Supportive peer connections
> Guided self-reflection
> Build emotional resilience

Co-Parenting Support
> Provide safety & stability
> Stop negotiating & find solutions
> Improve communications
> Reach & honor agreements

Discernment Coaching
> Make a choice
> Set a clear path
> Get clarity & healing
> Move forward

Divorce Support
> Heal from the trauma
> Forgive yourself & your ex
> Get your confidence back
> Recreate your life

Men's Group
> Reclaim your identity
> Redefine relationships
> Explore societal roles
> Community and support

Strengthen Your Relationship
> Explore feelings & unmet needs
> Create financial intimacy
> Expand sexual intimacy
> Establish a REAL & LASTING connection

About Susan Regan
Relationship Expert & Certified Coach
Susan began her career as a marriage & family therapist over twenty years ago and her practice has grown and evolved over those years. She now offers guidance in relationship healing and enhancements, and personal changes.
As a certified coach, she has created a series of talks, courses, and resources addressing common and universal themes in relationships that challenge people from every walk of life.
I'm excited to help people explore their own transformation. I love seeing people grow, change and release things inside of them that have been holding them back. My advice is to get the support you need to get your life back on track, and then go out and live your own fulfilling and purposeful life.
Check out my latest posts & podcast episodes...
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Straight from my YouTube Relationships Hub. Whether you're navigating a breakup, building new connections, or enhancing existing ones, I've got you covered with tips and guidance.
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