Co-Parenting Support

Create more space for yourself as a parent.

If you're trying to parent your kids in two separate homes, with two different parenting styles -- you, your kids and your ex all feel the tension.

Co-Parenting can be very isolating and challenging as you navigate the new world of household transitions and seemingly bigger compromises.

It's easy to feel really alone and wondering if/when the baggage of the marriage will finally end.

It's hard enough parenting kids within a stable situation, but now you're having to deal with an anxiety-antsy ex and the new reality of feeling really triggered.

It's a whole lot of tension.


Within my Relatable© Community, I offer a CoParenting space for parents to gather and share stories, tips, and lend support. I provide resources and guidance and host a regular gathering.

If you're looking for a more coach-led, structured support program, I also offer a private CoParenting Group within that community. The following details that group.


Co-Parenting Support

Strategize, create a plan, brainstorm together, and find ways to parent your kids -- whether or not you feel the cooperation from your ex.

Look at the co-parenting relationships form all angles -- your ex, your kids, and yourself -- with a group of like-minded people who are working through the same things. 

When your coparenting relationship is the main thing you're struggling with (and if you just want someone to tell your ex what to do so that they will act appropriately and cooperate), then this group will be the perfect kind of support for you. 


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Julie N.

My family is lucky to have you co-parenting and mediating with us during these challenging and emotional situations. I don’t know what we could’ve done without your support because we can’t even have a conversation without you in the room. Now we’re slowly to me making decisions that are so critical to our kids. We are beginning to talk again and find ways to not go right into conflict.


This is a group for people who are going through or have recently gone through a separation, while learning how to co-parent where there may be huge parenting-style differences.

Discussions in the Group are topic-oriented and topic-suggested.

I present both psychological themes and strategies to deal with difficult co-parenting situations.

  • What if you hate your ex’s family?
  • Is your extended parenting style different and are you seeing those differences making your kids feel insecure?
  • Are/were you married to a narcissist?
  • How do you deal with your kid not wanting to go to your ex’s home?

About Confidentiality and Privacy:

Do this part of your life here --  in this community. You don’t have to explain yourself; the people in this group are in similar situations as you. In this group, you can ask all of your questions and process your worries here -- with us.


Get the Support you Need

Within the Relatable© community, you'll find a variety of programs and resources to support your journey towards healthier and more fulfilling relationships. With a variety of spaces to gather, learn, grow, and get support, you'll be able to start small and expand as you're ready. 

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Hi, I'm Susan Regan...

I'm a Relationship Expert , Certified Coach, and CoParenting Mediator.

I began my career as a marriage & family therapist over twenty years ago and my practice has grown and evolved over those years. I now offer guidance in relationship healing and enhancements, personal changes, and overcoming relationship trauma.


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