Co-Parenting & Mediation

Co-Parenting can be very isolating and challenging as you navigate the new world of household transitions and seemingly bigger compromises.

  • Are you finding it seemingly impossible to reach agreements about how to raise your kids?
  • Does it seem like you're in ongoing negotiations about the children's schedules, safety, school routines, or bedtime routines?
  • Are you feeling like agreements are being violated?

It’s hard enough parenting kids within a stable situation, but now you’re having to deal with an anxiety-antsy ex and the new reality of feeling regularly triggered.

To help you get through these challenges, I offer couple's co-parenting mediation coaching.

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Julie N.

My family is lucky to have you co-parenting and mediating with us during these challenging and emotional situations. I don’t know what we could’ve done without your support because we can’t even have a conversation without you in the room. Now we’re slowly to me making decisions that are so critical to our kids. We are beginning to talk again and find ways to not go right into conflict.

Co-Parenting Mediation Coaching


Co-Parenting Mediation Coaching is available to couples with children. It provides you the support, guidance, and resources you need to effectively plan your marital separation, make positive arrangements for your children’s new future (such as agreements on care and scheduling), and actionable ways help them to get through the transition as unscathed as possible.

I take a family-focused approach and help you to make the decisions and arrangements that will benefit each member of your family. In this coaching arrangement, we will NOT get into the financial elements of separation, but we will, instead, “create the container” to have that difficult situation in a positive and constructive manner. [A trusted divorce processional referral will be provided to you to handle the financial portion of your separation.]

When You Need it Most

Oftentimes, couples who are separating can’t agree on how to separate their lives. Sometimes what a couple really needs is to speak directly about the issues, with a neutral third party who can structure the conversation, and find the right solutions for their family.

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Carol C.

I have such respect for you Susan -- and I trust you. Even though my relationship has ended, there will never be another parent to my kids like my ex. You have helped us work through so many challenging issues. Without your help, we would’ve never been able to heal and continue developing a different kind of parenting relationship and our marriage.

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Divorces involving the courts and lawyers with financial issues and disputes over children’s living arrangements are commonly very costly. These cases can take up to two to three years to get through the courts. Couples who choose mediation, prior to bringing a court action, can save both time and money. The time required to finalize a mediated divorce is often less than six months. The major benefits of Mediation Coaching include:

  • It conserves time, emotional energy, and financial resources. Spouses can move forward without having to recover from the destructive side effects experienced during court proceedings. A separation, high in conflict, delays the emotional healing that will inevitably be experienced by each party. The fear of the unknown and the need to deal with issues of parent-child relationships can be overwhelming.
  • It is for divorcing and separating couples— with children.
  • It brings the issues of finances and childrearing out into the open, to be addressed and resolved through cooperation.
  • It does not require attorneys to be present or retained by either spouse.


Biggest Reason for Mediation Coaching: Putting Your Children First

When each parent realizes the importance of having both parents in the life of their child, the road to a healthy future becomes clearer.

It is difficult enough for children to adjust to the reality that the family that they trusted to continue is actually breaking apart. Children with parents who treat each other with respect and who remain available to their children and other responsibilities, even during a divorce, are more likely to model such behavior and to perceive the world in a more positive light.

Mediation allows couples to maintain their integrity and to continue to present themselves to their children as the kind of parents they would be proud to see their children become.


  • 15-minute Inquiry Call: to answer questions 
  • I meet with each parent separately at first, and then together, going forward
  • Fee: $265/hr

Payment: All clients have an active credit card on file to reserve their appointments.


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Family Mediation Coaching

Families often have a need for mediation coaching. Maybe there’s been an estrangement between siblings, different family members, or different units in the family. Sometimes, this is caused from childhood wounds, divorce, illnesses, different family positions that causes stress, trauma neglect abuse. If you’re having a disconnect from family members and you really wanted to heal -- consider mediation.

The way I work as I meet each member of the family separately and then we agree to meet all together. If you have a situation in your family that you would like resolution for, please schedule an inquiry call with me.

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Jamie C.

I think of you frequently and feel grateful for the work we’ve done together. The main work I found my ex and I doing in your coparenting mediation sessions was working through our resentment. If we hadn’t gotten to that part I don’t think we would’ve been able to be peaceful around our kids. Thank you for holding those difficult sessions with us. We learned a lot.


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